Our Ministries

We strive to teach God’s Word which helps us grow in our Christian walk and build a strong foundation in family and life.  We have an adult class, children’s class, and teen class.

We plan fun activities during the year so we can fellowship together and serve God in a positive atmosphere.


Sunday School

Every Sunday at 10:00am we have a Sunday School classes for all ages to take a verse by verse approach to studying God’s Word.


children’s ministry

Each Sunday morning Harvest holds a Sunday school class for all of the children. Harvest loves children. We provide Bible teaching, activities and events throughout the year as well, including Vacation Bible School, summer camp, and Family Ski Day.



Throughout the year Harvest presents multiple opportunities to get involved in our church and our community.

Some of these opportunities are outreach in the Community, Assisted Living Ministry, Cookouts, Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Ladies Bible Study, and Marriage Workshops.